Baskets made by Indians of the Southwest tell a great deal about their way of life. They made baskets out of many different materials, in many shapes, and for many uses. Here is a small selection of antique baskets from a current stock.
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Hopi Shalako design Second Mesa basket
Apache polychrome basket
Tohono O'Odham Gila Monster basket
Tohono O'Odham boat shape basket
Pima basket with eagles and woman design
Pima whirlwind design basket ca. 1900
Pima fret design basket 1920s
Pima graphic design olla
Tohono O'Odham olla
Tohono O'Odham Whirlwind design basket, 1930s
Western Apache basket, 1890s
Hopi wicker basket, 1940s
Seri star basket
Pima basket tray with open fret design, 1920s
Apache star design basket, 1800s
Older Tohono O'Odham butterfly basket
Old Pima basket tray with whirlwind designs
Tohono O'Odham figure basket, 1960s
Old Hopi second mesa 1880's coil basket
Hopi Second Mesa coiled basket with kachina faces and clouds
Old Pima basket with fret design, 1920s
Tohono O'Odham basket purse with bats and butterflies, 1940s
Pima falling rain design basket, ca. 1940s
Larger Apache basket, lightning designs
Apache tray, ca. 1900
Apache basket with whirling logs, 1890s
Pima whirlwind, fret designs basket, ca. 1900
Apache basket with three bands, 1890s
Apache basket with deer designs, 1930s
Western Apache polychrome basket, 1930s
Huge Apache basket, 1910, 25 1/2 inches
Pima basket, 1935, made by Laura Eschiel
Pima bold star design basket, 1920s
Pima basket with four petal squash blossom design, 1920s
Apache graphic design basket, 1890s - 1910s
Western Apache basket with crosses, 1900s
Apache crosses and lightning basket, 1890s
Small Pima basket with six petal squash blossom design
Tohono O'Odham squash blossom basket, 1930s
Apache saguaro cactus design olla basket
Large Apache olla basket
Apache burden basket, ca. 1880-1890s
Apache burden basket, smaller size, 1930s
Apache burden basket, ca. 1940s
Yurok/Hupa cooking basket, ca. 1890s
Pomo basket, Northern California, 1910
Pima tray, 1920s
Seri coiled olla basket, 1950s
Pima rain cloud design basket, 1910s
Small Pima whirling logs/coyote tracks basket, 1920s
Pima geometric design basket bowl, 1940s
Yavapai oval tray, ca. 1890
Hopi Third Mesa wicker basket
Hopi Third Mesa wicker basket from Fred Harvey Co., 1920s
Hopi wicker basket from Fred Harvey Co., 1920s
Apache lightning and rain clouds basket, 1920s
Southern California Mission Tray, ca. 1880s
Hopi, Oraibi, Basket, 1880's
Southern California coiled Mission Tray, 1880's
Pima traditional whirlwind design basket, ca. 1908